

It always seems like I'm either making, breaking, achieving or attempting to achieve goals. What are some of my goals these days?

Getting out of debt...that has been an on-going goal for quite some time now. And even though I have had my times of struggle with this goal, it is finally starting to pay off! If all goes according to plan, I should be out of debt before next summer! Less than a year, yeah! I have learned my lesson well dear children...very well!

Losing Weight/Getting in Shape...Hmm...funny, this one has been a goal for about 14 years! There are times when I am totally going strong on this goal and other times when I fall off the wagon BIG TIME! But as for now I am going strong. I've lost over 20 pounds since mid-May and almost 20 inches (that seems like a lot, but I have a lot of inches to lose!), and most days I work out and eat healthy (though don't get me wrong, ice cream still calls my name quite loudly some days!).

Writing a Book--I've always wanted to write, but often been afraid to try. Afraid of what? I don't know, maybe embarrasment, failure, who knows? But I can't fail if I don't try, right? So I have been working on a book for quite a while now, and plan to spend more devoted time to it in the weeks and months to come. Can't wait to see what happens with it!

Learning to Kayak--I've done it 5 times now--kayaked that is. And I love it! Being a part of the Chicago Kayak club will definitely help me in pursuing this goal! I will have to get pictures next time I'm out and post them to the blog!

Well, that's all the BHAG's for now (that is the acronym my former workplace used to use...for 'Big Hairy Audacious Goal's'). They may be BHAG's, but I'll achieve them someday!

Love ya'll!

Holly Lou :o)


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