
Blind Faith

I've been thinking about this the last few days. What does it mean to have 'blind faith'? Faith is, as they say, 'being sure of what you hope for, and certain of what you do not see'. When it comes to my faith in Jesus Christ, I can, without hesitation, state that I have faith in Jesus Christ. Is it 'blind faith'? Yes and no. The Bible, history and archaeology provide hard-core factual truths that support the life and death and even deity of Jesus Christ. Those truths support my faith. However, there are elements of faith in Jesus Christ that rest upon being 'sure of what I hope for and certain of what I do not see.'

But what about in other life situations and circumstances? Can I have 'blind faith' in getting a raise at my job? Can I have 'blind faith' for a relationship to be restored? If I am sure of what I hope for, and certain of what I cannot see--does that mean it will happen? I wish I could say yes, but I can't say for sure. I think it really depends upon who I am trusting in for those situations or circumstances. If I am trusting in myself alone, or in the actions of another person, that 'blind faith' is really shaky at best. But if I am trusting in the One who holds my future, then I can have blind faith. Blind faith to know that even if whatever situation I may be faced with doesn't turn out the way I would hope--or even if it does--I know it is not because of me, but because of He who leads me steps--and His plan is good.

Life is interesting and confusing and a whirlwind all in one! Not that it's bad, but it keeps me from getting bored! :o)

If you think of it, pray for me--for wisdom and guidance as I seek HIS face with blind faith in the midst of life circumstances that are not so clear to me right now.

Love you all!

Holly Lou :o)


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